Symptoms of changes in blood sugar and how to measure it
Why keep it constant
Maintaining a constant blood sugar level is important to ensure the normal energy supply to the brain. Unlike other organs and muscles, the brain is unable to store glucose reserves on which it directly depends. If we exclude the conditions of prolonged fasting , blood glucose is the only energy substrate usable by the brain Leververvetting.
How to measure it
Blood sugar imbalances are popular in the patients with diabetes mellitus, which can cause damage to various organs such as the kidneys, heart, small arteries and eyes (retina). Diabetics are moreover prone to unexpected dips in blood sugar called hypoglycemia. To monitor these fluctuations, blood glucose measurement is vital. Glucose can be measured in whole blood or in serum (i.e. plasma), which is extracted from the blood. Whole blood and serum blood glucose are often different. The red blood cells have a higher concentration of protein compared to the serum and the latter has a higher water content and more dissolved glucose compared to whole blood.
The blood is collected from a vein (usually in the crook of the arm). After meals, the levels in the veins are slightly lower than the capillary or arterial blood. The estimate is around 10%. If the blood clots, the glucose in the sample is metabolized by the blood cells. If there exist extra red or white blood sections, there is unreasonable glycolysis in the variety with a considerable deduction in the glucose status. This starts if the variety is not refined instantly and directs to an incorrect outcome. Blood sugar is measured at various times to give an idea of the blood glucose regulation system.
There are various tests to measure blood sugar in the blood. They are:
fasting blood glucose – this is the primary test. Blood glucose is measured early in the morning and is usually lowest in the early morning after 6-8 hours of fasting overnight
mealtime blood glucose – this is the next test to be performed 2 hours after eating. After a high carbohydrate meal, it can take 2 hours for blood to be drawn again for glucose estimation. This test provides an estimate of the body’s handling of glucose
oral glucose tolerance tests – a fixed amount of glucose is given orally and then blood glucose tests are repeated to check the management of glucose in the body
intravenous glucose tolerance tests – a fixed amount of glucose is given intravenously and blood glucose tests are repeated to check the management of glucose in the body.