Is the Naturopathic Approach To Menopause The Best Option For You
Maybe you know by now that menopause is the period of a woman’s life, where she doesn’t have her period anymore, and she can no longer be pregnant. This is happening alongside with menopause symptoms which can be quite irritating. Menopause is not a disease, so there are no medications which should stop it, but to ease the symptoms.
Bioidentical hormones
Bioidentical hormones are the molecules which have the same structure as hormones made by the body. So, they are natural hormones, and they are made of plant materials or sometimes synthesized in a lab, but the final result is that this molecule is biologically identical to the bodies.
Your body is losing specific hormones, so provide some new, natural ones
Because our body function in a way that is not going to accept the foreign material that easy, the bioidentical hormones are a better fit. Hormones regulate many of our functions, and they do it by traveling through the blood, and if they are balanced, your body will function much better.
These hormones specifically, are designed to give the body hormones that are missing. This is because, during the menopause, ovaries stop to function. Usually, they are producing estrogen and progesterone, that are managing your menstrual circle, but when menopause starts, these hormones are not produced anymore.
This is why, your body is dealing with different menopause symptoms, which will not go away, and they can last for years, even ten years for some woman. The specialist can prescribe you these hormones, after the consultation, and at you can get more information about this great therapy, or visit the clinic and start with your therapy.
Naturopathic approach
Naturopaths have a quite different approach when it comes to some kind of body issue. They are not focusing only on the symptoms, but they are interested in whole-body health evaluation and care, before the menopause, and when the menopause starts. Naturopaths will manage troubling symptoms, but they will also deal with the prevention of the changes that can impact the heart, bone, and brain.
Sometimes symptoms can vary, be unpredictable, and go unrecognized, so the doctors can ask you to do some blood tests and to see the status of your hormones which will show if you are entering the menopause. When your menopause or perimenopause is established, the doctor will based on your symptoms, determinate the therapy for you, which will be naturally based.
Naturopath will treat you symptoms and your whole body
So, naturopathic therapies help in treating the symptoms and they provide prevention to balance the body changes as the body ages. To start with your treatment, we can recommend naturopath menopause by Australian Menopause Centre, as you will get advice and treatment for your whole body and not just your symptoms.
Final word
Naturopaths will use a combination of the conventional hormone therapy and also specialty compounded formulations, to give you the best results when it comes to menopause.