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Great Factors to Consider Before Hair Transplant

Hair transplant has changed a lot in the last few years. These hideous corn-row hair transplants are a thing of the past in modern hair restoration surgery. Today’s methods are much more sophisticated and accurate in how the operation is performed. Most importantly, modern hair transplant surgery results are much more natural than anything you have seen or heard before when it comes to cosmetic hair surgery.

Modern medical options for restoring lost hair

People with hereditary baldness are limited to a relatively small number of most effective products in the early stages of baldness. Your options may be temporary, such as wearing wigs and concealers or permanent surgery. Hair transplantation is the most effective surgical hair replacement and the only permanent solution that produces satisfactory results.

Hair transplantation at Skyclinic consists of transplanting one’s hair from the back of the scalp to the front and bald spot. Its main limiting factor is the lack of donor’s hair, so many patients are not suitable candidates. The correct candidate should have a high density of hair on the back of the scalp, their hair should be wavy and thick, their scalp should be supple, and the contrast between hair color and scalp should not be too great, and it should be even in good condition and the physical state.

In a hair transplant, the surgeon must use a small amount of hair in the full head of hair. It poses the most significant risk in hair transplantation, as it can sometimes happen that the patient does not like the result. Although it is usually possible to schedule another transplant session, some damage may be irreparable.


Other risks and side effects that occur during and after hair transplant surgery include excessive bleeding and scarring, prolonged wound healing, transaction and possible death of many of the implanted hair follicles, post-transplant shock hair loss, which, although temporary, may affect your newborn implanted hair, as well as hair in the donor area, numbness, and tension of the scalp and further progression of hair loss after surgery, which can lead to unnatural baldness.

A recent study of hair transplant patients who underwent hair transplant procedures determined that patients experienced complications during or after surgery. A hair transplant can cost around ten thousand dollars, depending on the technique used, the location and reputation of the clinic, the degree of hair loss, and the number of hair transplant sessions needed to achieve the desired effect.

It is sometimes impossible to estimate the final cost, another risk you face when deciding on a hair transplant surgery. Considering the pain, time, and cost, it is worth learning before scheduling surgery. The hair transplant industry is a fast growing business, and the quality and availability of surgeries are improving, so don’t let anyone force you to make hasty and unreasonable decisions.


Get more details that matter most in hair transplantation and find a good hair transplant surgeon by visiting a website dedicated to educating the public on treating premature graying and hair loss. You can also use this website to share your gray hair and hair loss treatments and the treatments you have used.

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